IPC refutes allegations of stealing members from other political parties

Stefanus Nashama

The Independent Patriots for Changes (IPC) has on Wednesday refuted allegations that it is stealing members from other political parties, especially those of the ruling party, Swapo, during their door-to-door recruitment campaign.

According to the party’s spokesperson, Immanuel Nashinge, the campaign aims to educate the public on the importance of participating in the upcoming presidential and national elections scheduled for November this year.

“IPC is a party that respects the law of the country. People have a democratic right to join the IPC, just like any other political party,” he reiterated.

He added that each political party has its own campaigning tactics to persuade people about their manifesto and vision, and IPC is no exception.

For Nashinge, IPC’s door-to-door drive is simplifying the logistics for those who wish to join.

Nashinge explained that the campaign began in 2022, with the aim of reaching out to every community across the country to listen to their concerns.

He added that there would be no need for conflict if the party came to power.

According to him, the IPC is not a political party that uses bribes such as cooking oil or food to entice people to join the party.

“Instead, the party encourages people to join willingly without using dirty political tricks,” he said.

Nashinge underscored that the party has been engaging with people at the grassroots level to understand issues affecting them, creating trust and hopes to make up their minds for the party.

“People are tired of suffering in the country and want change, and IPC is here to offer that change,” he said.

IPC has recently announced its plans to launch its Ground Mobilisation Commandos (GMCs) for the Oshana, Ohangwena, Oshikoto and Omusati regions.

Nashinge confirmed the event will take place at Okandjengedi at Ongwediva this coming Saturday.

This week, Swapo Party’s Oshikoto Regional Coordinator Armas Amukwiyu, was quoted in a local newspaper stating that the recruitment drive by IPC, which he labelled as a ‘fly-by-night’ party, does not concern him.

Amukwiyu, according to the report, believes Swapo’s dominance in the region is not up for discussion.

Political Analyst at the University of Namibia, Erika Thomas, said there is nothing wrong with IPC’s door-to-door campaign if it is effective for the party.

Thomas stated that anyone who claims to take away members from other political parties has already lost the fight, even before it has started because people have the right to join any political organization they choose, based on the way they are convinced.

She explained that door-to-door campaigns are more effective than speaking to crowds.

“If you are in a crowd, it is difficult for you to penetrate but if you talk to people door-to-door, it is easier for people to understand. IPC is very strategic, and that is good marketing for the party to succeed” she said.

She added other political parties have also their ways of political campaigns that work for them.

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