Koës village borehole water level is precariously low

Martin Endjala

Concerns are growing as water levels in the Koës village borehole have dwindled to just 20 feet, primarily due to the prolonged absence of rainfall in the Southeastern region of the //Karas Region.

Willem Labuschagne, Councilor of the Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency, voiced these concerns amid predictions of rainfall across most parts of Namibia by the Namibia Meteorology Service’s Chief Forecaster Operations, Odillo Kgobetsi.

“I hope and believe it will rain soon, as the rainy season is upon us. I trust in God. In the eastern part of Koës, we have received some rain, and we now have green grass, but we are only at 20 percent of our normal water levels. If rain doesn’t come, we will face significant problems. The worst-case scenario is our underground water; our borehole water levels have already dropped by 20 feet, and without rainfall, it’s only a matter of time, possibly days, before the borehole dries up completely,” Labuschagne warned.

In preparation for the worst-case scenario, Labuschagne’s office has registered over 300 people who may be affected by the drought, with the intention of providing drought relief assistance within the constituency over the past two months.

He expressed concern about the low rainfall, particularly in the southern parts of the country, and called on industry stakeholders to step in and assist those in need of drought relief aid, emphasizing that responsibility should not rest solely on the government.

Labuschagne urged residents to explore alternative means of sustaining themselves during the water shortage.

He noted that if residents take proactive measures, the regional council can offer the necessary assistance.

However, he stressed that both parties need to contribute, given the limited resources allocated to the council.

Meanwhile, according to weather forecast patterns for the week, heavy rainfall of 50-60 millimetres and storms are expected in the north, northern-central, and northern-west parts of the country.

Residents in these regions are advised to take precautionary measures, as rainfall is set to intensify heading into February.

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