Koës village borehole water level is precariously low

Koës village borehole water level is precariously low

Koës village borehole water level is precariously low

Martin Endjala Concerns are growing as water levels in the Koës village borehole have dwindled to just 20 feet, primarily due to the prolonged absence of rainfall in the Southeastern region of the //Karas Region. Willem Labuschagne, Councilor of the Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency, voiced these concerns amid predictions of rainfall across most parts of Namibia by the Namibia Meteorology Service’s Chief Forecaster Operations, Odillo Kgobetsi. “I hope and believe it will rain soon, as the rainy season is upon us. I trust in God. In the eastern part of Koës, we have received some rain, and we now have green…
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