Menzies labelled white supremacists

Niël Terblanché

Menzies Aviation Namibia, a British-founded company’s refusal to vacate the premises of the Namibia Airports Company at the Hosea Kutako International Airport speaks volumes about their desperation to maintain their grip on power.

George Kambala, the Acting spokesperson of the Affirmative Repositioning movement, said the drama surrounding the ground handling service saga of the past year is a stark reminder that Namibians have yet to truly dismantle the chains of colonialism, as white monopoly capital continues to flex its muscle and resist transformation.

“The arrogance displayed by Menzies Aviation Namibia is not merely a matter of business competition; it is an outright manifestation of the deeply ingrained white supremacy that has plagued our nation for generations,” Kamabala stated.

According to the activist, Menzies’s refusal to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Namibian legal institutions underscores the company’s belief that it is above the law.

“It is a distressing symptom of a broader system that grants undue privileges to a select few while trampling on the rights and aspirations of the majority,” he added.

Kambala said the Affirmative Repositioning movement demands an end to Menzies’s neo-colonialist grip on the Namibian economy and the country’s resources.

“Our demand is clear and unambiguous: Menzies Aviation Namibia must vacate all premises at the Hosea Kutako International Airport immediately,” he insisted.

According to Kambala, Menzies Aviation Namibia’s reactionary refusal to vacate the premises of the NAC at the HKIA speaks volumes about their desperation to maintain their grip on power.

“This is a stark reminder that we have yet to truly dismantle the chains of colonialism, as white monopoly capital continues to flex its muscle and resist transformation,” he said.

Kamabala described the silence from political leadership about the matter as profoundly disappointing. He added that the leadership is allowing economic sabotage to fester unchecked.

“The vacuum of leadership and the absence of a strong stance against Menzies Aviation Namibia’s insidious actions reflect the systemic challenges we face in uprooting the deeply entrenched structures of power that continue to perpetuate inequality,” he added.

Kambala said this moment in time calls for unity and collective action against the inhumane and neo-colonialist agenda perpetuated by Menzies Aviation Namibia.

“The time has come for a radical shift, for a revolution of consciousness that challenges the status quo and brings about real change,” he said.

According to Kambala, the Affirmative Repositioning Movement stands at the forefront of the struggle for justice.

“We, the people, reject the notion that a handful of individuals can undermine the progress of an entire nation.

We reject the idea that economic power can be wielded as a tool of oppression. We reject the silence of our leaders and the perpetuation of a system that values profit over people,” he stated.

He called on all the people, who believe in justice, equality, and the promise of a better future to tear down the walls of economic oppression, dismantle the chains of colonialism, and build a society that truly belongs to all of them.

“Our nation’s journey towards total economic emancipation continues, and with unwavering determination, we shall overcome,” he said.

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