Namibia Dairies taking steps to conserve water

The City of Windhoek recently said the current estimates indicate that the Central Area of Namibia (CAN) will not have an adequate water supply to bridge the next two rainy seasons. Observer Money asked Namibia Dairies how it plans to cope with the situation.

Observer Money (OM): What has Namibia Dairies done since the last drought to conserve water?

Namibia Dairies (ND): Considering the challenges posed by recurrent drought conditions in our region, Namibia Dairies, a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) group, has been unwavering in our commitment to water conservation. This dedication is not only a reflection of our operational priorities, but our approach to sustainability and resource management is guided by our core persona characteristics: authenticity, caring, and passion. Since the last drought, we have taken significant strides at our Avis Manufacturing Plant to ensure our water use is both efficient and sustainable. Understanding the critical role water plays not just in our operations but in the livelihoods of our communities, we have diligently worked to optimize our water usage. This involves refining our manufacturing processes to reduce consumption and implementing innovative strategies to repurpose water wherever possible. Our efforts extend to collaborating with cleaning solution suppliers to enhance the efficiency of water-cleaning
solvent ratios, ensuring we maintain our high hygiene standards while minimizing water use.

Our commitment to water stewardship is also evident in our proactive engagement with the City of Windhoek. By aligning with local water management initiatives and municipal authorities, we aim to contribute positively to the community’s broader conservation efforts. This collaboration reflects our dedication to being a responsible corporate citizen, mindful of our impact on the environment and the precious water resources of the Central Area of Namibia (CAN).

At Namibia Dairies, our values inspire us to lead with integrity, embrace responsibility, and foster a culture of sustainability that benefits not only our company but our country and planet. As we face the challenges of water scarcity, we remain committed to innovating, conserving, and working together for a more sustainable future.

OM: How much water does Namibia Dairies use on a daily, monthly and yearly basis?

ND: While we are unable to provide specific figures regarding our daily, monthly, and yearly water usage due to the variability influenced by operational factors and seasonal fluctuations, we want to emphasize Namibia Dairies’ unwavering commitment to water conservation. Our dedication to sustainability is integral to our operational ethos and aligns with our broader commitment to environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility. At Namibia Dairies, particularly within our Avis Manufacturing Plant, we have implemented stringent monitoring and control measures to ensure accurate tracking of our water consumption. This rigorous approach allows us to identify opportunities for optimization and efficiency improvements consistently. By embedding sustainability principles at the core of our operational practices, we aim not only to minimize our environmental impact but also to set a benchmark for responsible water use in the industry.

Transparency and accountability are pillars of our sustainability strategy. To this end, we continuously monitor, evaluate, and report on our water usage, adhering to both industry standards and best practices. These efforts are part of our broader mission to advance water conservation goals, highlighting our proactive engagement with stakeholders and our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint.

OM: What is Namibia Dairies annual milk production?

Namibia Dairies, a key player in the Namibian dairy industry, operates with a commitment to sustainability, quality, and compliance with national and international standards. Our Superfarm, which plays a crucial role in our operations, houses 1800 cows, approximately 900 of which are milk-producing. These cows, on average, produce about 35 Liters of milk per cow per day. This production volume is a testament to our dedication to maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency within our operations.

OM: Anything else that you may wish to add?

ND: Namibia Dairies, as a steadfast pillar of the Namibian dairy sector, is currently navigating through a period marked by particularly stringent market dynamics. The challenges confronting dairy farmers and our industry at large are multifaceted, ranging from the critical issue of water scarcity to the constraints imposed by the ongoing ban on heifer imports due to health concerns. These challenges are compounded by the economic pressures of rising input costs and the competition from imported products.

We are at a crucial juncture where the sustainability of our local dairy industry is at risk. It is imperative that all stakeholders, including the government, recognize the severity of the crisis we face. The implications extend beyond the dairy sector, touching upon the very fabric of our national food security and economic resilience. Our commitment to the Namibian industry and to contributing positively to the economy has never been stronger. However, to navigate these challenges successfully, we require a concerted effort from all parties involved.

We appeal to our consumers to remain loyal to Namibian products. While our products may carry a slightly higher price tag compared to imported alternatives, this premium reflects the superior quality of our milk, which is produced under strict regulatory standards, free from hormones and GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). This commitment to quality ensures that our products are not only healthier but also contribute to sustaining the local economy and supporting the livelihoods of Namibian farmers. Considering these challenges, we also urge the government to engage with us and other industry stakeholders proactively. It is through collaborative dialogue and strategic support that we can address the current issues, from water scarcity to import restrictions, and create a conducive environment for the dairy sector to thrive.

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