Security company will refund a guard after cutting his salary for sleeping on duty

Stefanus Nashama

Namibia Asset Protection has agreed to refund Shapumba Tutangeni, a security guard, N$920, which was deducted from his salary in December of the previous year for allegedly sleeping on duty.
This decision comes after a successful intervention by social activist Michael Amushelelo on the matter. According to Amushelelo, Tutangeni is paid an average of N$8.33 per hour.
A payslip reviewed by the Windhoek Observer shows that in December of the previous year, Tutangeni received a starting salary of N$2,500, plus N$500. The company deducted N$22.50 for social security (0.9 percent), N$625 for a loan, and N$920 for sleeping on duty, resulting in a total deduction of N$1,567.50 from his salary.
In a plea for assistance, Tutangeni raised the matter with activist Amushelelo, who requested the company to refund the deducted N$920 before January 25th of this year.
“I am currently demanding that you cease this exploitative behaviour and promptly reimburse the entire amount deducted from the worker. Failure to comply will lead me to mobilize all your workers to go on strike until these demands are met. You have until the 25th of January 2024,” he warned. Amushelelo confirmed yesterday that he was pleased with the amicable resolution of the matter.“The issue has been resolved, and the company has rectified it, with the employee having been refunded his money,” he reported.
He commended Namibia Asset Protection for their open and swift response to the matter, particularly the company owner, Salmon Vermaak, for resolving the issue through dialogue.
He contrasted this approach with that of most companies, which, when confronted with misconduct allegations, typically involve the police in labour disputes instead of seeking to resolve the issue amicably.
Amushelelo advised companies to welcome the intervention of activists and the general public, emphasizing that they aim to solve problems rather than provoke conflicts.
Simultaneously, Amushelelo, who also holds a political role, cautioned that if a company chooses to engage in conflict, it should be prepared to deal with the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF), who are committed to defending the interests of the people and the country.
The activist concluded by emphasizing the importance of economic freedom and pledged to continue advocating for the rights and well-being of the working class and the underprivileged.
Expressing his gratitude yesterday, Tutangeni acknowledged both Amushelelo and Namibia Asset Protection for resolving the matter maturely and peacefully.

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