Security company will refund a guard after cutting his salary for sleeping on duty

Security company will refund a guard after cutting his salary for sleeping on duty

Security company will refund a guard after cutting his salary for sleeping on duty

Stefanus Nashama Namibia Asset Protection has agreed to refund Shapumba Tutangeni, a security guard, N$920, which was deducted from his salary in December of the previous year for allegedly sleeping on duty.This decision comes after a successful intervention by social activist Michael Amushelelo on the matter. According to Amushelelo, Tutangeni is paid an average of N$8.33 per hour.A payslip reviewed by the Windhoek Observer shows that in December of the previous year, Tutangeni received a starting salary of N$2,500, plus N$500. The company deducted N$22.50 for social security (0.9 percent), N$625 for a loan, and N$920 for sleeping on duty,…
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