SORED established to tackle unaffordable electricity

Martin Endjala

The Southern Regional Electricity Distributor (SORED), is planning on tackling electricity hurdles within the south by making electricity affordable to the inhabitants of the area.

This was the sentiment of the //Kharas region Chairperson Josef Isaacks while responding to questions posed to him by this publication, on the purpose of establishing the company.

Isaacks said SORED has been misunderstood by many residents, with the notion that it only aims to make money and to get rid of the National Utility Power (NamPower).

Clarifying that the company intended to arrest the hiked electricity prices, which are proving cumbersome to many households due to unaffordability.

Currently, the main electricity distributor in the area is NamPower through local authorities.

Isaacks clarified that power outages in the region are not the reason why the council wants to establish a SORED.

“People need to understand that SORED is currently on the cards, it will not solve power outages, that is the national’s power responsibility, but what we are saying is. We want to ease the burden of our residents who are economically challenged.

Bringing them a model which provides affordable electricity, is our main aim, thereby allowing residents to purchase electricity based on their income,” explained Isaacks.

He indicated that once approved and fully operational, electricity-hiked prices will become a thing of the past. He, however, cautioned that for SORED to be successful, it will require every person to pull in one direction.

Consultations about the establishment of SORED are at an advanced stage, following approval of the shareholder’s agreement from the Attorney General.

Discussions are still ongoing surrounding the modalities due to new developments within the electricity industry.

Meanwhile, Electricity Control Board (ECB), Chief Executive Officer Robert Kahimise, during last year’s tariff announcement briefing, said NamPower cannot be the National supplier and again supply directly to regions.

Stating that a third-party distributor must take that burden to enable the power utility to concentrate on the grid supply and ensure that national energy safety is not compromised.

Hence, he views the SORED as a great tool to assist the struggling southern regions.

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