UN agencies laud Geingob’s vision for Namibia and the world

Niël Terblanché

During a special vigil, representatives from various United Nations agencies commemorated the profound impact of President Hage Geingob on both the Namibian nation and the international community.

President Geingob was remembered for his essential role in Namibia’s journey towards independence and his commitment to fostering international solidarity and according to UN representatives, his vision continues to resonate across the globe.

Sam Ocran, the UNICEF country representative, remembered President Geingob’s dedication to inclusivity, particularly his efforts to ensure youth participation in decision-making processes through initiatives like the children’s parliament.

According to Ocran, this approach emphasized Geingob’s belief in empowering the next generation as custodians of democracy and peace.

UN Resident Coordinator in Namibia, Hopolang Phororo, praised Geingob as a visionary leader among the African statesmen who championed the cause of independence.

Geingob’s legacy, according to Phororo, is emblematic of the struggle and triumph of African nations in their quest for sovereignty and self-determination.

The seamless and peaceful transfer of power to President Nangolo Mbumba, occurring just hours after Geingob’s passing, was cited by UN representatives as a testament to the stable democratic foundations that Geingob helped establish.

According to the representatives, this transition of power exemplifies the robustness of Namibia’s political institutions and the resilience of its governance structures, which should serve as a model for peaceful transitions in the region and beyond.

Alka Bhatia, the UNDP representative, lauded Namibia as a beacon of peace in Africa, attributing this reputation to Geingob’s significant contributions towards drafting the Namibian constitution.

According to Bhatia, the Namibian Constitution not only laid the groundwork for the nation’s governance but also encapsulated principles of human rights, justice, and equality, reflecting Geingob’s vision for a society anchored in the rule of law and mutual respect.

The roles of the UN agencies in Namibia, including UNICEF, UNDP, and the office of the UN Resident Coordinator, are crucial in supporting the country’s development agenda.

These agencies work closely with the government and local partners to address challenges ranging from health and education to environmental sustainability and economic development.

Their collaboration with Namibia under Geingob’s leadership has been instrumental in advancing the country’s international standing and achieving significant development milestones.

The reflections shared by UN representatives stressed the universal respect for Geingob’s contributions to his country and the international community.

They were of the opinion that his advocacy for global cooperation and his efforts to embed democratic values and human rights in the fabric of Namibian society will be remembered as foundational pillars for the nation’s continued progress.

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