Workers play a critical role in Namibia’s future prosperity

Niël Terblanché

On Workers’ Day, President Nangolo Mbumba and Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila honoured Namibian workers, celebrating their indispensable role in nation-building and the pursuit of socio-economic growth.

In his message to the nation, President Mbumba stressed the critical role workers play in driving Namibia’s development trajectory towards a prosperous future.

This year’s commemoration was presented under the theme “Namibian Workers United for Economic Growth and Development and the President added that it has a significant role to play in the Year of Expectations.

President Mbumba acknowledged the sacrifices and contributions of workers.

“Without workers, there can be no construction, commerce, or trade; indeed, no development at all,” he said.

He expressed his gratitude towards the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) for organizing the commemoration of Workers’ Day in Rundu.

The global theme of Workers’ Day, “Social Justice and Decent Work for All” serves as a reminder of the need for a fair and equitable society where every individual has access to dignified work and a decent standard of living.

Mbumba also recalled the historical significance of the NUNW in Namibia’s liberation struggle and the continuous advocacy for improved working conditions and fair wages.

He reassured Namibians of the commitment of the government to uphold the dignity of work and implement progressive policies that benefit all workers, including considerations for a national minimum wage and enhanced social protection measures through the United Nations Global Accelerator of Jobs and Social Protection programme.

In her message, the Prime Minister expressed sentiments of unity and appreciation for the workers’ relentless efforts.

She reiterated the government’s dedication to the protection and development of workers, ensuring they are empowered to live with dignity and realize their potential.

The Prime Minister also highlighted the significant strides made in national labour laws, aiming at the peaceful resolution of disputes, protecting workers’ rights, and promoting gender equality in the workplace.

Both leaders called on workers to prepare for the future, especially with the advent of new industries like Green Hydrogen and the massive oil and gas discoveries in Namibian waters, which promise new job opportunities and economic prospects.

“The empowerment of workers is integral not only to their personal success but also to the national agenda of sustainable development and prosperity,” she said

According to Kuugogelwa-Amadhila, Namibia with a unified effort can aspire to a future where every worker’s rights are safeguarded, labour is valued, and prosperity is shared amongst all.

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