Amushelelo not scared of !Gawaxab legal threats

Stefanus Nashama

Social activist Michael Amushelelo says for Bank of Namibia’s governor Johannes !Gawaxab to sue him, his actions are merely akin to those of a dying donkey.

“I won’t be silenced by thieves, and I will continue fighting until all these corrupt thieves are in prison. Inform Johannes that I will continue sharing his number. This is a number paid for by taxpayers,” stated Amushelelo.

The conflict between the two escalated after Amushelelo recently posted !Gawaxab’s mobile phone number is on his social media accounts.

This comes after Amushelelo alleged that the !Gawaxab has benefited from a N$451 million tender.

Last week, lawyer Norman Tjombe, representing !Gawaxab, sent a letter to Amushelelo threatening to sue him for sharing the governor’s mobile number.

Tjombe claimed that his client did not consent to the number being shared publicly.

According to Tjombe, his client has been receiving unsolicited messages from various unknown individuals, including Amushelelo.

The messages, according to Tjombe, were sent with the intent to threaten, abuse, annoy, and harass the BoN governor.

“We place on record that your conduct in publishing the said mobile number is a criminal act in terms of the Communications Act, Act 8 of 2009, in particular, sections 117(1)(e) to (h), and invite stringent penalties of up to 5 years imprisonment or N$20,000 fine or both such imprisonment and fine upon conviction,” reads the statement.

Tjombe further stated that !Gawaxab will file a criminal case against Amushelelo with the assistance of the Namibian Police Force for violating the relevant provisions of the Communications Act.

Amushelelo has been instructed to remove the mobile number from his social media platforms immediately. Failure to comply will result in !Gawaxab taking the matter to the High Court to seek appropriate action, including a costs order against Amushelelo.

Despite the legal threats and instructions, Amushelelo refused to remove the post as directed and continued sharing the governor’s number.

Last Friday, Amushelelo’s lawyer, Kadhila Amoomo, stated that his legal firm continues to assist Amushelelo with the matter despite the threats.

“Our client, Michael Amushelelo, has received this threat to sue him from the governor of the Bank of Namibia. We continue to assist him with legal representation because we know his work is important in our society. A society without activism will be consumed by those who have the power to do what they please. We will update you on this issue.” Amoomo posted on his social media accounts.

Earlier this month, the Namibia Competition Commission (NaCC) imposed a N$1 million fine on !Gawaxab, for implementing a merger without the commission’s approval.

This followed a media report that !Gawaxab faced allegations that he sold businesses and shareholdings in a major insurance company to family and friends.

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