615 suicides recorded between January and April…Men topping the suicide rate

615 suicides recorded between January and April…Men topping the suicide rate

615 suicides recorded between January and April…Men topping the suicide rate

Hertta-Maria Amutenja At least 615 suicides were recorded by the Namibian police between January 20-22 and April 2023. Of these staggering statistics, 485 are adult men while 107 are adult women. The figures also indicate that 18 male juveniles and 5 female juveniles died by suicide during the same period. The Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo revealed in an exclusive interview with the Windhoek Observer that the Omusati Region has the highest recorded suicide rate with 121 cases while the //Karas region reported the lowest with eight suicides. The Ohangwena Region reported 94 cases, Khomas…
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