Africa Union Sports Council Region 5’s Visionary Retreat Sets Stage for Sports Innovation and Excellence

Africa Union Sports Council Region 5’s Visionary Retreat Sets Stage for Sports Innovation and Excellence

Africa Union Sports Council Region 5’s Visionary Retreat Sets Stage for Sports Innovation and Excellence

The African Union Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 recently convened a landmark planning retreat in Botswana. The retreat served as a pivotal moment to reflect on past achievements, review existing strategies, and pave the way for an impactful year ahead. Region 5, known for its leadership in sports innovation and excellence across Africa, seized this opportunity to reinforce its position as the continent’s premier sports region. At the heart of the retreat was the organization’s commitment to adapt and evolve under its Organisational Re-engineering model. Following the adoption of a new Constitution in January 2022, Region 5 embarked on a…
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