and the other

In Memoriam: Big G’s enduring legacy in every aspect of this, that, and the other

In Memoriam: Big G’s enduring legacy in every aspect of this, that, and the other

In a peculiar twist of destiny, two leaders with opposing ideologies find themselves entwined in a profound lesson of life. It is with deep regret that I convey my profound sense of loss for President Geingob, a cherished elder brother, esteemed friend, formidable adversary, parliamentary peer, and leader of our esteemed Republic. It is safe to say that I am profoundly moved by the colossal void left by the departure of this statesman, a paragon of both intellect and refinement. On August 26, 2002, a serendipitous encounter occurred at the Heroes Acre, where Paramount Chief Riruako and I found ourselves…
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