Black Africa and Kaizer Chiefs all in similar " Kak" ….

Sport Commentary Orlando Pirates, Black Africa and Kaizer Chiefs all in similar ” Kak” ….

Sport Commentary Orlando Pirates, Black Africa and Kaizer Chiefs all in similar ” Kak” ….

Shaun Asprilla Gariseb In matters of conscience ,the law of the majority has no place; it is the moral duty of individuals to uphold what is right ,despite social norms "When one looks at the situation at mighty institutions like Pirates Namibia, B.A and Kaizer Chiefs there is a common denominator, and that is division caused by certain individuals, their ego,agenda ,self-interest, lack of understanding ,arrogance, entitlement ,greed and conduct .The Lord has said " Every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand "( Mathew 12:25) A great…
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