Concerns rise over radioactive pollution in Stampriet Artesian Basin

Concerns rise over radioactive pollution in Stampriet Artesian Basin

Concerns rise over radioactive pollution in Stampriet Artesian Basin

Niël Terblanché Concerns about potential radioactive pollution in the Stampriet Artesian Basin have surged as the Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (SAUMA) takes a stand against mining activities within Namibia’s primary and largest artesian water resource. While SAUMA does not oppose mining in general, the association strongly objects to the proposed in-situ leach mining method to extract uranium within the Stampriet Artesian Basin. This mining technique, proposed by Russian company Headspring Investments, has raised alarm bells among environmentalists and experts who believe it poses a grave risk to the region’s water supply. Dr Roy Miller, a geologist, recently addressed the…
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