Doctor Nelson Olabanji

Medicine worth N$20m at risk of spoilage at Rundu medical store…MoHSS ignores air conditioning system repairs for two years

Medicine worth N$20m at risk of spoilage at Rundu medical store…MoHSS ignores air conditioning system repairs for two years

Hertta-Maria Amutenja MEDICINE and other essential clinical supplies valued at approximately N$ 20 million are on the brink of spoilage at Rundu medical store, due to malfunctioning cooling system. The air conditioning system is said to have come to a halt almost two years ago, and remains unrepaired due to lack of funding, putting medical supplies in jeopardy. This was revealed on Tuesday by officials who are managing the medical store, while testifying before the National Council Standing Committee on Health. They said the facility’s cooling system urgently requires repair with the cost estimated to be over N$ 500 000.…
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