Empowering women through fishery operations

Empowering women through fishery operations

Empowering women through fishery operations

Niël Terblanché In an effort to address gender disparities and promote women’s empowerment within the small-scale fisheries sector in Namibia, a pioneering training workshop was held under the banner “Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Small-Scale Fisheries.” The workshop was hosted in Mariental three days and saw the attendance of 23 women, including fisherwomen, fish processors, and fish traders from across Namibia’s 14 regions. The attendees are members of the Namibia Women’s Fisheries Network (NAMFISHNET). NAMFISHNET is a non-governmental organisation that is independent of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Fisheries…
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