Endjala asks for softer action againstelectricity customers in arrears

Endjala asks for softer action againstelectricity customers in arrears

Endjala asks for softer action againstelectricity customers in arrears

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Erginus Endjala, the Governor of Omusati, has urged Nampower to consider less drastic measures than cutting off electricity supply to customers that have defaulted on outstanding debt. Endjala made this statement following last week’s announcement by Namibia Power Corporation Limited (NamPower) that it would suspend electricity to defaulting customers from June 5 unless the outstanding overdue amounts are settled. “We have to look at all factors in this situation that could be affected by the load shedding. One thing we have to look at is that this electricity supplies also households, schools, clinics and so forth. If for…
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