GRN allocates N$1.7 billion more for salary increases

GRN allocates N$1.7 billion more for salary increases

GRN allocates N$1.7 billion more for salary increases

Niël Terblanché The Office of the Prime Minister has announced a comprehensive salary and benefits increase for civil servants across Namibia. The announcement was made following negotiations with the Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) and the Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU). Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr. George Simataa, unveiled the details of the agreement. The increase is expected to cost the Namibian taxpayers approximately N$1.7 billion annually. Under the new agreement, civil servants falling within job grades 15 to 14 will receive a flat increase of N$600, while those in grades 13 to 1 will see a five percent rise…
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