Hardap Irrigation Scheme faces shutdown as Hardap Dam water level falls

Hardap Irrigation Scheme faces shutdown as Hardap Dam water level falls

Hardap Irrigation Scheme faces shutdown as Hardap Dam water level falls

Niël Terblanché A looming water crisis threatens to devastate the Hardap Irrigation Scheme and surrounding communities as NamWater announces plans to discontinue water releases for irrigation if the dire situation persists. With the Hardap Dam’s water level plummeting to a critically low 12.8 percent due to poor rainfall in the catchment area, urgent measures are underway to address the impending crisis. Franklin Kavita, NamWater’s manager for the southern business unit, stressed that water for human consumption will take precedence over the needs of irrigation farmers. Despite provisions made to sustain potable water supplies until December amid dwindling inflows, Kavita warned…
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