Implementing climate change plans will be a multibillion-dollar commitment

Implementing climate change plans will be a multibillion-dollar commitment

Implementing climate change plans will be a multibillion-dollar commitment

Niël Terblanché Pohamba Shifeta, the Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, in a recent address to parliament, declared that Namibia’s efforts to combat climate change, in line with the Paris Agreement’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), will require a substantial investment of around N$112.3 billion. The allocated budget reflects Namibia’s steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability, with N$65.2 billion dedicated to mitigation measures and N$47.1 billion aimed at adaptation targets. The minister added that the majority of this funding, approximately 90 percent, is expected to be sourced from international multilateral and bilateral channels, reducing the financial burden on domestic resources. Last year…
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