Increased commitment is needed to promoteand strengthen peace and security in SADC

Increased commitment is needed to promoteand strengthen peace and security in SADC

Increased commitment is needed to promoteand strengthen peace and security in SADC

Martin Endjala Despite acknowledging the progress made over the past year in silencing guns in some member states of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), President Hage Geingob has called on his counterparts to do more to realise Africa Agenda 2063 under the theme “The Africa We Want”. Geingob was speaking at the 43 SADC Ordinary Organ Troika Summit on Wednesday in Luanda, Angola as the outgoing Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation. He said the last meeting in July this year, was necessitated by the need for the Organ to deliberate and make decisions…
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