Khomas Regional Council Budgets N$1

Khomas Regional Council Budgets N$1,6 million for pit latrines

Khomas Regional Council Budgets N$1,6 million for pit latrines

Stefanus Nashama The Khomas Regional Governor, Laura Mcleod-Katjirua, said the Khomas Regional Council has set aside N$ 1.6 million for pit latrines, for distribution to rural communities which are not near running water. In her State of Region address last week, Mcleod-Katjirua said that for the 2023/24 financial year, the regional council will implement a hybrid model of environmentally friendly dry pit latrines for those not close to water and flushing toilets for the communities close to water. Although the Governor did not specify the number of pit latrines and flushing toilets to be constructed in the rural communities, she…
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