Lack of roads will hinder the progress of the Rundu abattoir

Lack of roads will hinder the progress of the Rundu abattoir

Lack of roads will hinder the progress of the Rundu abattoir

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Kavango East Region Governor, Bonifatius Wakudumo said the region needs to address critical issues of road infrastructure to avoid hindrance to the progress of the recently inaugurated Rundu Abattoir. Amidst the excitement over the new state-of-the-art abattoir facility, Wakudumo highlighted the essential role roads play in ensuring the abattoir’s success and broader economic benefits during the official handover yesterday. Wakudumo expressed gratitude for the facility’s establishment, recognising its capacity to slaughter 80-120 cattle per day, contributing significantly to the livestock sector’s growth and the region’s economic growth. However, he didn’t shy away from voicing his concerns about the…
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