Langer Heinrich to have 17-year life of mine …. Mine to produce 4 percent of global uranium

Langer Heinrich to have 17-year life of mine …. Mine to produce 4 percent of global uranium

Langer Heinrich to have 17-year life of mine …. Mine to produce 4 percent of global uranium

Chamwe Kaira The restart of production at the Langer Heinrich Mine builds on the 10-year production history of the asset. The project has reserve life to support 17 years of operations with annual peak production representing around 4 percent of annual global uranium production. Paladin Energy Ltd’s chairman, Cliff Lawrenson has said its plans are on track to execute the strategy of returning of the Langer Heinrich Mine to production early next year. “The role of nuclear power in providing energy security and combatting global warming is becoming increasingly important. Geopolitical events and increasingly urgent decarbonisation measures are amplifying pressures…
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