Leonie Prinsloo

Leonie Prinsloo is Namibia Dairies MD

Leonie Prinsloo is Namibia Dairies MD

Staff writer Leonie Prinsloo is the Managing Director (MD) of Namibia Dairies, a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group effective 1 July 2020. Prinsloo was previously Head of Marketing at Namibia Dairies replaces Gunther Ling, who was appointed MD of Hartlief. She joined the O&L Group in 2011 as Brand Manager at Namibia Dairies. Thereafter, he was appointed the company’s Head of Marketing and also served as Acting Head of Marketing for Hartlief for three months before her promotion to MD. “I am very excited to be starting in this new role, but I know it will not…
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