Mafwe Traditional Authority demand boreholes amidst crocodile attacks

Mafwe Traditional Authority demand boreholes amidst crocodile attacks

Mafwe Traditional Authority demand boreholes amidst crocodile attacks

Martin Endjala THE Mafwe Traditional Authority in the Chincimane area, 65 kilometers southwest of Katima Mulilo, in the Zambezi region’s Linyanti constituency, have called on government install boreholes in strategic locations to avoid competition for water sources between humans and wild animals. This follows a visit by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Natural Resources to the traditional authority last week for a consultative discussion on community issues. The meeting is part of the Committee’s public hearings to gather advice from communities in the Zambezi, Kavango East, and West regions on how to address human-wildlife conflict concerns. Crocodile attacks have occurred…
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