Meatco faces increased competition from private sector entrants

Meatco faces increased competition from private sector entrants

Meatco faces increased competition from private sector entrants

Niël Terblanché The Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) finds itself at a critical juncture, with its commercial dominance in the Namibian meat industry under siege from private sector entrants. The arrival of companies like Beefcor Namibia and Savanna Beef Namibia signals a significant shift in the market dynamics, potentially diluting Meatco's longstanding position amidst challenging conditions exacerbated by drought. In the Institute for Public Policy Research’s (IPPR) latest economic review for the fourth quarter of 2023, economist Robin Sherbourne voiced his concerns about the possible misallocation of funds. Sherbourne stressed the government's potential stance on Meatco's pivotal role in marketing…
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