Meatco to maximise key premium markets

Meatco to maximise key premium markets

Meatco to maximise key premium markets

Chamwe Kaira Meat producer, Meatco plans to maximize its returns and improve its revenue by focusing on the key premium markets, that is, Norway, Europe, UK, China and USA. Norway remains a strategic premium market from which Meatco derives significant revenue from the allocated quota of 1,200 tonnes for 2023, the company said in the 2022/23 annual report. Meatco said international realisation for the period under review increased by 15% to N$121.60/kg versus prior year (2023: N$106.50/kg). Meatco obtained a 33.33% interest in GPS Norway AS on 19 May 2014. GPS Norway AS is a Norwegian registered company with the…
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