Member of Parliament (MP)

Parliament debate on youth unemployment long overdue

Parliament debate on youth unemployment long overdue

Eba Kandovazu BY the end of 2021, Namibia is expected to reach a staggering 50.3% youth unemployment rate. This is according to Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) Member of Parliament (MP), Inna Hengari, notifying Parliament today to debate the issue. Hengari says the youth labour force is 576 000 youth with 265 770 thereof unemployed and roaming the streets. This, according to her, represented by the end of 2018 a 46% youth unemployment. Hengari also notes that the youth unemployment rate in Namibia is more than twice than that of adults. “More concerning, is that the highest qualification of 229 259…
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Parliament debate on youth unemployment long overdue

Eba Kandovazu BY the end of 2021, Namibia is expected to reach a staggering 50.3% youth unemployment rate. This is according to Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) Member of Parliament (MP), Inna Hengari, notifying Parliament today to debate the issue. Hengari says the youth labour force is 576 000 youth with 265 770 thereof unemployed and roaming the streets. This, according to her, represented by the end of 2018 a 46% youth unemployment. Hengari also notes that the youth unemployment rate in Namibia is more than twice than that of adults. “More concerning, is that the highest qualification of 229 259…
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