Mid-term budget allocation hailedas a trailblazer for economic growth

Mid-term budget allocation hailedas a trailblazer for economic growth

Mid-term budget allocation hailedas a trailblazer for economic growth

Martin Endjala The recent mid-term budget allocation of N$326.1 million to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is hailed as a trailblazer to economic growth in the country, with an emphasis that access to finance has been identified as a key element for SMEs to succeed in their drive to build productive capacity, to compete, to create jobs and contribute to poverty alleviation. These were the sentiments shared by Economist and Independent Bank Researched Josef Sheehama on the SME injection, a move which he and other experts have been calling for. “Without finance, SMEs cannot acquire or absorb new technologies nor…
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