MUN takes a stand against diamond company for discriminatory labour practices

MUN takes a stand against diamond company for discriminatory labour practices

MUN takes a stand against diamond company for discriminatory labour practices

Niël Terblanché The Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) has issued its strong condemnation against the practices of Duiker Investments and Almond Diamonds Namibia, a Windhoek-based diamond cutting and polishing firm, for their recent actions involving the retrenchment of 27 employees According to the MUN, the retrenched workers are all members of the union. In a statement, the union said that it has also identified a myriad of other unethical and unfair labour practices at the company. The MUN stated that workers have also registered grievances against the company such as the payment of low wages, employing expatriates without local understudies,…
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