Namfisa’s reform strategy will spearhead financial sector evolution

Namfisa’s reform strategy will spearhead financial sector evolution

Namfisa’s reform strategy will spearhead financial sector evolution

Niël Terblanché The Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (Namfisa) will undergo a critical transformation aimed at revamping its regulatory and supervisory framework to foster innovation, enhance service delivery, and ensure a robust financial sector. Namfisa’s Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Matomola, Namfisa’s stated that the reform strategy is multifaceted, focusing on institutional, legislative, and supervisory changes. Namfisa, tasked with overseeing non-banking financial institutions, has identified outdated laws as significant impediments to innovation and efficient implementation. The existing regulatory framework, based on a compliance-driven approach, contrasts sharply with the global shift towards risk-based supervision. To address these challenges, according to Matomola, Namfisa…
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