Namibia’s Banana Project a step closer to self-sufficiency

Namibia’s Banana Project a step closer to self-sufficiency

Namibia’s Banana Project a step closer to self-sufficiency

Niël Terblanché Namibia has initiated a pioneering banana industry development trial that will take the country closer to agricultural self-sufficiency and innovation, With the planting of 2,222 banana seedlings at Mango Vuluzi farm, located in the Singalamwe area of the Zambezi region, the endeavour, known as the Banana Project, is a significant investment in the country’s agricultural sector. This project, a collaborative effort between the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) and AvaGro, focuses on a one-hectare plot and involves the cultivation of two distinct banana varieties, the Grand Naine and Williams, through tissue culture techniques. The Banana Project is aimed at…
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