Nampol refutes reports of spending N$2

Nampol refutes reports of spending N$2,5 million on the Inspector General’s new vehicle

Nampol refutes reports of spending N$2,5 million on the Inspector General’s new vehicle

Stefanus Nashama Reports claiming that the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, received a new Mercedes Benz worth over N$2.5 million have been vigorously denied and the rumours were labelled as malicious, false, and misleading. Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, the head of the Namibian Police’s Public Relations Division, clarified that the actual price of the vehicle was slightly over N$1.9 million. “We would like to clarify that the vehicle in question was purchased through an approved procurement process for N$1,968,643.50,” Shikwambi stated. She stressed that the vehicle remains government property, designated for the official use of…
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