NamRA’s ‘fishy’ tax assessment disputed…. Fishing industry says it contributes N$1

NamRA’s ‘fishy’ tax assessment disputed…. Fishing industry says it contributes N$1,32 billion in taxes

NamRA’s ‘fishy’ tax assessment disputed…. Fishing industry says it contributes N$1,32 billion in taxes

The Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations has said according to its estimates the fishing industry contributed N$1,32 billion dollars in taxes and levy contributions to the state coffers in its last assessment of the fishing industry. Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) executives expressed concern on what was said to be the minimal contribution of the fishing sector in taxes. Despite its massive size, NamRA officials said the fishing industry’s contribution to tax revenue was one of the lowest of major industries. Figures presented by NamRA Commissioner, Sam Shivute during a meeting with President Hage Geingob showed that compared to other key…
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