Nandi-Ndaitwah allays fears of election sabotage

Nandi-Ndaitwah allays fears of election sabotage

Nandi-Ndaitwah allays fears of election sabotage

Martin Endjala Deputy Prime Minister, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, has assured Namibians that the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections next year will be conducted with the highest standards. She stated that neither Namibians nor opposition parties should be concerned about any sabotage. “I would like to allay any concerns or fears that the Hon. Member might have regarding the upcoming 2024 Presidential and National Assembly Elections. The Government remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding transparency, accountability, and good governance,” she said. This includes working in the context of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence, and Security Cooperation, of which Namibia…
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