new Governor of the Ohangwena Region

Governor Ndevashiya caught off-guard by President’s decision

Governor Ndevashiya caught off-guard by President’s decision

Niël Terblanché In a very unexpected development, President Hage Geingob has appointed retired Lieutenant General Sebastian Ndeitunga, the former Inspector General of the Namibian Police, as the new Governor of the Ohangwena Region. The appointment, made under the constitutional powers vested in the President, is set to take effect from today. President Geingob invoked Articles 32(4)(a) (hh) and 110A(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, in conjunction with the provisions outlined in the Special Advisors and Regional Governors Appointment Act, 1990, as amended, to appoint General Ndeitunga to this key position. The outgoing Governor told a local radio…
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