Patience Masua & Anupriya Dhonchak

Reforming Namibia’s Divorce Laws for Modern Realities

Reforming Namibia’s Divorce Laws for Modern Realities

Patience Masua& Anupriya Dhonchak In an era where the complex web of relationships weaves its own narrative, Namibia’s divorce laws are at a critical juncture, demanding an evolution that reflects the intricate realities of human bonds and the evolving dynamics of contemporary society. The existing divorce legislation in Namibia relies on assigning fault, necessitating one spouse to demonstrate the wrongdoing of the other. Currently, the four grounds for divorce consist of adultery, habitual criminality, mental disability, or malicious desertion for prolonged periods. This oversimplifies the reality that relationships can unravel due to a combination of factors involving both spouses. ‘Irretrievable…
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