President hands over 89 MHDP houses in Swakopmund

President hands over 89 MHDP houses in Swakopmund

President hands over 89 MHDP houses in Swakopmund

Niël Terblanché Namibia took a significant step forward when President Hage Geingob handed over 89 houses constructed under the Mass Housing Development Programme (MHDP) to a group of fortunate recipients in Swakopmund. “Today is yet another step forward in the government’s quest for National Housing Delivery. In this Year of Revival, we have managed to accomplish quite a lot, notwithstanding our economic realities. One thing is for sure: No matter what challenges we have faced, are facing, and may face in the future, I can confidently reaffirm our government’s unwavering commitment towards the provision of decent and affordable houses and…
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