
Over 230 unclaimed bodies inmortuary, some dating back nine years… lack of funds, procedures, and legal concerns plague efforts to address dilemma

Over 230 unclaimed bodies inmortuary, some dating back nine years… lack of funds, procedures, and legal concerns plague efforts to address dilemma

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Windhoek State Mortuary is grappling with a profound issue involving an alarming number of unclaimed bodies, tallying over 230 with some dating back as far as 2014.This situation was conveyed by Chief Inspector Oscar Shatipamba, head of forensic pathology at the police mortuary, and Chief Mortuary Assistant Leonard Dausab while briefing the Parliament Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development, and Family Affairs during their visit to the mortuary to assess its condition this week.Shatipamba revealed that the police mortuary’s body chambers are currently holding 36 adult unclaimed bodies and 20 fetuses, primarily stemming from cases of…
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