SAUMA raises deep concern over the threat to Stampriet Artesian Basin

SAUMA raises deep concern over the threat to Stampriet Artesian Basin

SAUMA raises deep concern over the threat to Stampriet Artesian Basin

Niël terblanché The Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (SAUMA) Management Committee has penned an urgent open letter addressed to key stakeholders, including Members of Cabinet, Members of Parliament, Standing Committees, Regional Governors, Councilors, Traditional Authorities, and the Namibian public. SAUMA expressed deep concerns regarding the proposed In Situ Leach Mining of Uranium in the Stampriet Artesian Basin, situated in southeastern Namibia. At the heart of SAUMA’s concerns is the potential environmental and public health impact of uranium mining in an area that relies solely on drinkable groundwater for survival. The Stampriet Artesian Basin, nestled beneath the Kalahari dunes of southeastern…
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