Simataa dives deep while evaluating the state of the Public Service

Simataa dives deep while evaluating the state of the Public Service

Simataa dives deep while evaluating the state of the Public Service

Niël Terblanché George Simataa, the Secretary to the Cabinet, delivered an insightful address at the Engagement Meeting of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) with Chief Regional Officers in Otjiwarongo, Namibia. The topic of his speech was “Is the Public Service Fit for Purpose? The Collaborative Nature of Offices, Ministries, and Agencies (OMAs) in Service Delivery.” Simataa answered “yes” to the question of whether the public service is fit for purpose but delved deeper into the complexities of this assertion. Public Service as the Implementing Arm of the Government Simataa emphasized the critical role that the public service…
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