Swapo Central Committee endorses Nandi-Ndaitwah as presidential candidate

Swapo Central Committee endorses Nandi-Ndaitwah as presidential candidate

Swapo Central Committee endorses Nandi-Ndaitwah as presidential candidate

Stefanus Nashama SWAPO CC resolves: - Extraordinary Congress in 2025- Nujoma urges support for NN- Ivula-Ithana backs decision- Namandje says the Swapo constitution does not force the party to have extraordinary congress The Swapo Party Central Committee has over the weekend endorsed its Vice-President, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah to stand as the sole presidential candidate for the November elections. In terms of the Swapo Party Constitution, the CC is the highest decision-making body after the Congress. This is done in terms of Rules 8, 10, and 53 of the Party Constitution, meaning Nadi-Ndaitwah will go to the polls uncontested at the party…
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