The Imperatives with Nichlas Mbingeneeko: Small Stock Farming For Beginners

Small Stock Farming, The Imperatives with Nichlas Mbingeneeko: Small Stock Farming For Beginners

Small Stock Farming, The Imperatives with Nichlas Mbingeneeko: Small Stock Farming For Beginners

Farming requires teamwork and the sharing of expertise as well as mentoring, particularly for the novice farmer. The spirit of Ubuntu is paramount in farming. The importance of farming can neither be overemphasized nor be gainsaid. Around 70% of Namibia’s population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture for their income and livelihood. Consequently, success in farming cannot be left to chance. To that effect, I will utilize this space every Friday to share the imperatives that are pivotal for sustainable and profitable small stock farming. The terms small stock, in the agricultural arena, refer to goats and sheep. It is…
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