Trustco needs N$2.4 billion to tap into Namibia’s economic potential

Trustco needs N$2.4 billion to tap into Namibia’s economic potential

Trustco needs N$2.4 billion to tap into Namibia’s economic potential

Martin Endjala Trustco Group Holdings Limited is set to raise N$2.4 billion from shareholders to tap into Namibia’s economic potential. This pivotal transaction with key shareholders is said to underscore confidence in Namibia’s bright economic prospects and Trustco’s time-tested capabilities to channel investment into high-growth areas. Trustco and United States fund Riskowitz Value Fund LP (RVF) will enter into an option to make a cash investment of up to N$950 million into Trustco, entrenching RVF as a key anchor foreign investor. The capital will provide Trustco with the unparalleled financial muscle to capitalise on new opportunities and strengthen existing investments…
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