Uutoni to attend an urgent meeting withKarasburg Town Council amid employment chaos

Uutoni to attend an urgent meeting withKarasburg Town Council amid employment chaos

Uutoni to attend an urgent meeting withKarasburg Town Council amid employment chaos

Martin Endjala Urban and Rural Development Minister Erastus Uutoni, is set to hold an urgent meeting today with Karasburg Town Council, which has been accused of employing some staff members illegitimately. Last week, Uutoni wrote a letter to the Mayor of Karasburg, Maria Veldskoen, requesting for an urgent meeting to look into the state of affairs at the Town Council. The minister demanded that all councillors be present in the meeting. “This letter serves to inform your good office that I would like to further engage all councillors regarding the state of affairs at the Karasburg Town Council as a…
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