Windhoek’s Mayor

Redline case starts end of August

Redline case starts end of August

Tujoromajo Kasuto Windhoek’s Mayor, Job Shipululo Amupanda, says the Redline case is expected to start end of August in the Windhoek High Court. With the case Amupanda is challenging the continued existence of the Redline, also referred to as the Veterinary Cordon Fence (VCF), for more than 100 years. “The court case in which the Land Minister Calle Schlectwein and the government are fighting and defending to keep the colonial instrument, the 1896 Redline that discriminated more than 60 percent of the Namibian [population] for more than 1245 years, will officially start the case planning, before Justice Shafimana Ueitele on…
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