
7341 Posts
Namibians flock to Home Affairs for new look ID

Namibians flock to Home Affairs for new look ID

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security (MHAISS), has expressed with great concern the influx of members of the public who have been flooding their offices over the last weeks to exchange their current IDs with the new one after its launch last Tuesday. MHAISS Executive Director (ED), Etienne Maritz, in a statement issued today reiterates that there is no need for anyone to exchange her/his ID with the new-look ID, as the current ID remains valid. Only newly issued IDs, including duplicates, will be in the new format. First-time applications for IDs will remain free…
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Fishrot lawyer warns against international witnesses not appearing  . . . Fears client may face longer incarceration

Fishrot lawyer warns against international witnesses not appearing . . . Fears client may face longer incarceration

Eba Kandovazu THE lawyer representing Fishrot suspect, Ricardo Gustavo, who is applying for bail for N$ 250 000, says the High Court has no power to compel whistleblower Johannes Steffanson to travel to Namibia and testify in the matter. Trevor Brockerhoff, in his closing remarks for the bail application indicates that the trial could drag on for years, to the prejudice of his client if he continues to be in jail. He explains that there is no certainty that witnesses from Dubai, Iceland and Angola would stick to their deal with the State to testify. He also points out that…
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“I was sabotaged” – Nghiwete on missing NSFAF records

“I was sabotaged” – Nghiwete on missing NSFAF records

Eba Kandovazu FORMER Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF), Hilya Nghiwete, says she was sabotaged by her subordinates, who she says were responsible for the operations of NSFAF, adding that they were not doing their jobs. “It was a set up because they wanted me to fail and whatever little things I have done now they are claiming credit for it. The records are available in black and white that they were responsible,” Nghiwete says adding she alone cannot be blamed for the fund’s downfall. “I had people working under me because they were…
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NamibRe Commemorates 20 years of Being the Preferred reinsurer

NamibRe Commemorates 20 years of Being the Preferred reinsurer

Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation Limited “NamibRe” celebrated its 20th Anniversary earlier this November 2021 with its local and international partners and stakeholder in the beautiful town of the Erongo Region, Swakopmund, Namibia. As part of 20th Anniversary celebration, NamibRe hosted delegates from across the African continent and beyond, to launch the Inaugural NamibRe CEO Roundtable. The event was attended by more than (100) hundred delegates, most of whom attended in person while the others attended the event virtually. In total, the event was attanded by delegates from more than eight (8) African countries and the middle east. The countries include:…
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Palace revolution continues between the Ovaherero Chiefs’ Council and the Transitional Committee

Staff Writer In what could be seen as the beginning of the last push by the Chairperson of the Ovaherero Chiefs’ Council, Chief Vipuira Kapuuo, to buttress and legitimise his authority as the caretaker leader of the Ovaherero, Kapuuo has resigned from the Transitional Committee. The Transitional Committee was established under dubious circumstances shortly after the death of the Ovaherero Paramount Chief, Advocate Vekuii Rukoro, this June. Despite Kapuuo being a member of this committee, the lines have from the beginning been drawn between Kapuuo and the Transitional Committee, chaired by the Secretary in the Office of the Paramount Chief,…
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Namibian police wasn’t allowed to take pictures at Nchindo brothers murder probe

Namibian police wasn’t allowed to take pictures at Nchindo brothers murder probe

Eba Kandovazu NEW details are emerging at the murder inquest of four fishermen, who were killed by Botswana Defence Force (BDF) members on suspicion that they were poachers. The hearing, which began last week, is being conducted at Kasane. Three Namibian brothers, Tommy Nchindo, Wamunyima Nchindo, Martin Nchindo, and their cousin, Sinvula Munyeme from Zambia, were brutally shot by BDF soldiers last year on 5 November accusing them of being poachers. Zambezi regional Crime Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Evans Simasiku, today testified that when he arrived in Botswana with the deceased family members to investigate, he was not allowed to take…
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Man, 39, allegedly rapes daughter, 15

Man, 39, allegedly rapes daughter, 15

Eba Kandovazu THE police in Ondangwa are investigating a rape incident in which a 39- year-old man is accused of raping his 15- year-old daughter at the Onamambili village. According to Nampol Spokesperson, Inspector Thomas Aiyambo, the incident occurred last Friday around 20h00 in the bushes. Aiyambo says the victim’s aunt alerted the police. The man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, has since been arrested. “The suspect found the victim with her two cousins while escorting her home. The suspect told the victim to go with him to collect his phone from a certain…
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Health Minister refutes claims of less Covid-19 infections during the heat season

Health Minister refutes claims of less Covid-19 infections during the heat season

Tujoromajo Kasuto Minister of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Dr Kalumbi Shangula, says the myth that has been “running around” that Covid-19 goes away during the hot season, is not accurate and true, maintaining that the intensity of transmission is driven by human behaviour and interaction. He points out that Namibia experienced three Covid-19 waves so far. The first wave peaked at 316 new infections in a single day on the 13 August 2020, a period were Namibia was already experiencing high daily temperatures. In addition he notes the second wave of Covid-19 peaked on the 13 December 2020 when…
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AR, Itula tug-of- war intensifies

AR, Itula tug-of- war intensifies

Eba Kandovazu AFFIRMATIVE Repositioning (AR) Movement Chief Activist, Job Amupanda, says the ‘over-involvement of Independent Patriots of Change (IPC) President, Panduleni Itula, in city of Windhoek Council matters has been problematic, adding IPC councilors are the most traumatised in the Council. “It is very sad for them. Itula’s conduct is problematic. He runs the councilors from wherever he is. They cannot even independently contribute to meaningful discussions without having to read an already drafted statement. How can a councilor operate like that?,” Amupanda remarks askingly. Amupanda addressed a media conference today reacting to talks on the Landless People’s Movement (LPM)…
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Police officers accused of brutally assaulting a man

Police officers accused of brutally assaulting a man

Eba Kandovazu AN internal investigation is currently underway following the alleged brutal assault of a man in Ongwediva by four unnamed police officers about two weeks ago. The victim, Israel Nangolo (39) has since been hospitalised at the Oshakati State Hospital. As a result of the assault, Nangolo has been diagnosed with internal bleeding. He has also suffered from hemothorax, a collection of blood between his chest wall and the lungs, which is currently being drained. Oshana Police Commander, Rauha Amwele, has confirmed that a report is yet to be sent to the Inspector General, Sebastian Ndeitunga. Amwele has also…
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